3 responses to “Not Coming to an E-reader Near You”

  1. Brad Craft

    I must admit, the Anne carson, much as I adore her, drove me a little crazy. However, that doesn’t mean I wasn’t glad to see it. As for the others? They look lovely! Long live the physical chap book!

  2. John W. Marshall

    Thanks for chiming in, Brad. Our twenty/thirty-something customers seem to really appreciate that we carry chapbooks.

    Re: Nox, we had a class of ten-year-olds in the store yesterday, talking to them about books. We showed them Nox and there is little as unnerving as watching some of them take it (hyper carefully, bless their little souls) out of the box and look it over when they were free to roam the shelves. We figured we’d chalk up whatever happened to out-reach.

    As for reading Nox, I really do believe the difficulty in doing so becomes part of its strength … but, sadly, limits the audience.

  3. Brad Craft

    You know, John, that phrase of yours, “I really do believe the difficulty in doing so becomes part of its strength” goes a long way to explaining why I’m reading Tennyson instead.

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