“Cheryl Strayed is not the first person to have an advice column. But she’s the first to treat people like people, and to stand in line with these people, rather than above them. She doesn’t pat them on the back and say “there, there.” She stares them square in the eye and states “You have never been closer to being the person you long to be. Keep. Going.” Tiny, Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar is a collection of Strayed’s responses to the many, many letters she’s received over the last two years. There’s a reason she’s become so popular—we can all pull something from the writings of Sugar, even if the situation she’s responding to doesn’t relate to us. What a gift to have a collection of her offerings in one tidy book.”—Lindsey McGuirk, Village Books. Read more and buy Tiny Beautiful Things from Village Books.
Face Out
Tiny Beautiful Things:
Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar
July 26, 2012