Two amazing WA booksellers retired recently, and we wanted to celebrate them and their years of dedication.
Just before the new year, Eagle Harbor Book Company‘s beloved Victoria wrapped up her bookselling career. Well-wishers came to the store and showered her with flowers! Her coworker, Sara, also created a gorgeous piece of art to commemorate her years at Eagle Harbor Book Company.
We are reassured to know that although Victoria might not be behind the counter anymore, we still might run into her in the bookstore and other favorite haunts on Bainbridge Island. Happy retirement, Victoria!
Meanwhile, just across the water at Secret Garden Books in the Ballard neighborhood of Seattle,
The booksellers at the Garden wish Marie a happy retirement in the new year. She has been our fearless and intrepid Book Fair Manager for the past decade, and we will miss her here a great deal. We are confident she will enjoy retirement more than many, as she surrounds herself with family and friends, both of which she has in lucky abundance.
Marie, countless schoolkids’ bookshelves are better stocked thanks to your work over the years. Thank you, and congratulations on your retirement!