From Montana author David Abrams on Facebook:
If the two war books I’ve published could be each assigned a holiday, BRAVE DEEDS would be the Memorial Day novel, and FOBBIT the one for Veterans Day.
Brave Deeds honors the dead, Fobbit praises the still-living. By its very nature, Brave Deeds focuses on preserving the memory of our war dead: the plot centers around a squad of soldiers deployed to the Iraq War who love their recently-killed leader, Staff Sergeant Rafe Morgan, so much they’re willing to break the rules to attend his memorial service on the other side of Baghdad. In fact, now that I look back on it, perhaps a better title for this novel could have been “Memorial Day.”
This year, as in all years, I hope we all take a moment to reflect on those members of our families and friends who thought so highly of this country and its ideals that they signed up for a really hard job, traveled across oceans, and then–sadly, unexpectedly–died trying to do that job. Let’s honor the past, present and future Sergeant Morgans who do this, who risk this, without blinking an eye.
P. S. I put a signed copy of Brave Deeds in a neighborhood Little Free Library, but if you can’t travel all the way to Helena, Montana to find it, you can always order a copy from the good people at Montana Book Company, via Bookshop: