No matter what you think you know about AI, you need to read this book! Behind all the light discussion of whether or not AI is capable of coming up with quality output, whether or not writers might be cheated if AI is used to “mimic” existing authors and their works, or if political voices can use AI to spread misleading ideas and information, there’s another story hidden in the dark. Feeding the Machine turns a revealing light on the impact on the lives of thousands of workers worldwide who are being used to develop AI, working for low pay and under harsh conditions, as well as on the activity of data annotators, moderators, and warehouse workers whose lives and work are hidden in the shadows. All this while AI is presented as a “clean, bright, shiny promise for tomorrow.” You might be shocked by what you will find in these pages. I was certainly surprised to learn of the extensive exploitive nature of these labor practices. Before you decide that AI is a thing of promise and not destruction, please read Feeding the Machine. You owe it to yourself as well as your fellow humans to educate yourself before making any long-term decisions about this “technology.”
–Linda Bond, Auntie’s Bookstore, Spokane, WA
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