I absolutely loved this book; I read it in maybe 2 days! It’s like a hybrid of Percy Jackson and the Red Queen series, all brought together in a more modern take. The book begins with a mystery right away, then the romance, battles, and secrets pulled my interest immediately.
What I really loved was that each character had an extensive history, and each one took me by surprise. The author was also very thoughtful and deliberate in drawing attention to the discrimination that the Black and LGBTQ+ communities face every day.
I LOVED this book…it’s perfect and I cannot wait for the next one!
–young reviewer Jamie, Third Place Books, Lake Forest Park and Seattle, WA
Fans of the King Arthur legends, rejoice/beware! Legendborn turns these classic stories on their head. Take my advice: DON’T mess with Bree. But do read about her! She might be a bit reticent at first, but goodness, has she got a story to tell.
–Ellen, Queen Anne Book Company, Seattle, WA
… and Legendborn is one of Suzanne’s favorite reads over at Ballast Book Co. in Bremerton, WA!