Thunder Boy Smith Jr., known as “Little Thunder,” is named for his dad. He wants a new name of his own, though, to commemorate one of his cool achievements, a name like “Touch the Clouds,” or “Not Afraid of Ten Thousand Teeth,” or my favorite, “Mud in His Ears.” Just when it seems like he will be stuck with his name forever, Thunder Boy Jr. and his dad agree on the perfect name, in a wonderful story about identity that captures a side of modern Native American life and the relationship between father and son. Alexie’s powerful yet playful words in his first picture book, paired with Yuyi Morales’s strikingly gorgeous illustrations, make this a must read for any age. (2 and up)
—Karlyn, Phinney Books, Seattle, WA
For more about this great children’s picture book, read the interview with Sherman Alexie by Shelf Awareness’s Karin Snelson. Enjoy the book in person at Phinney Books and other independent bookstores. (Some stores even have autographed copies!)