“You may think you know unicorns, but you have no idea. They’re not just for princesses or maidens anymore. R.R. Russell’s Wonder Light: Unicorns of the Mist is the wonderful debut volume in a new series about the last free herd of unicorns and the seemingly ordinary girl tasked with their survival. Twig is twelve years old and has just been sent to Island Ranch, a pony ranch for troubled girls. As she struggles to adjust to life on the mist-shrouded island, Twig finds herself witness to a series of strange events, culminating with the birth of a live unicorn. Ben, a boy who appears to live alone on the island, arrives and tells Twig the story of the unicorns and the internal battle threatening to destroy them all. Can Twig find the strength within herself to save them?
Wonder Light is filled with well-developed characters, incredibly detailed atmospherics, and it balances multiple plotlines with grace and ease. Her re-imagining of unicorns takes them out of the fluffy, princess/maiden “girl” stories and makes them strong, independent, fully capable creatures that can both protect and destroy.”
—Kyla Paterno, Garfield Book Company at PLU. Garfield hosted Russell for her release party on May 2, so act fast and you might land an autographed copy of Wonder Light: Unicorns of the Mist.