“Recycled Robots: 10 Robot Projects by Robert Malone and published by Workman Publishing ($24.95) is an irresistible book and kit that shows how to make ten different moving robots out of the most ordinary things from around the house such as an empty salt container, a drinking straw, a candy tin, a cereal box, cardboard tubes, old dolls or action figures, and assorted Lego or Tinker Toy parts.
The kit includes a full book of instructions, along with a battery-powered motor, two wind-up walkers, some googly eyes (it just wouldn’t be complete without googly eyes), and much more. What kid won’t love being the inventor, designer and engineer of his or her own amazing, moving robots??? . . .”—Broadway Books, Portland
Read more and buy Recycled Robots: 10 Robot Projects; Papertoy Monsters: 50 Cool Papertoys You Can Make Yourself; Under Wildwood; The Emerald Atlas; The Fire Chronicle; The Girl Who Circumnavigated Fairyland in a Ship of Her Own Making;The Girl Who Fell Beneath Fairyland and Led the Revels There; The Phantom Tollbooth; Who Could That Be at This Hour?; The False Prince and The Third Wheel: Diary of a Wimpy Kid Book 7 from Broadway Books or your local indie.
Each day until Christmas, the tireless booksellers at Broadway Books will post a recommendation for a great gift book (or seven!) on the store’s blog, Bookbroads. 24 Days of Books posts are written by Sally McPherson, Roberta Dyer and Kate Bennison.