“If you enjoy a good laugh paired with a complex sci-fi plot definitely check out Alien Diplomacy. Koch is one of the very few authors I can honestly say makes me laugh out loud. Her newest book continues the Kitty Katt Martini series with fabulous gusto. Perhaps the most remarkable thing here is that her books are still wonderful! There are many authors whose early books I’ve really enjoyed, but as the series progresses the writers are so hard-pressed to keep things interesting that the plot falls apart all together. Koch has managed to keep up the momentum of her first fabulously fun book throughout the sequels, and I’m so glad. I highly recommend this whole series. It’s oodles of fun!”—Diana, Bob’s Beach Books, Lincoln City, OR. Buy Alien Diplomacy from your local indie.
Face Out
Alien Diplomacy by Gini Koch
May 23, 2012