“Half-Blood Blues is a wonderful story about a German-American jazz band that gets its start in Berlin between the two world wars. As the music comes under attack during the rise of Hitler, band members are forced to flee to Paris where they record their masterpiece. Catastrophe befalls their trumpeter and the record gets lost in the fog of war, only to be rediscovered to great acclaim in the seventies. The story is narrated by the bassist, who is from Baltimore, and told in flavorful, southern black and jazz slang. It took me a chapter or so to get used to the language but then I was hooked. As the story headed to its natural conclusion, I didn’t want it to end but couldn’t put it down!”—Jamie, Rediscovered Books, Boise. Buy Half-Blood Blues from Rediscovered Books.
Face Out
Half-Blood Blues by Esi Edugyan
March 21, 2012