“Take advantage of a lazy morning or afternoon and read this delightful debut novel from a new voice among Portland authors. This is a day in the life of Isabel, an unassuming twenty-something who grew up in Alaska. She now resides as a Portland library employee. We visit her memories and dreams while following her through a quiet yet eventful day in her life. Isabel loves thrift stores and the discards of others, a characteristic she picked up from her musician father. Her spare writing style makes for a very quick read, but the prose contains great depth of insight. I enjoyed meeting all of the people in the story, and I particularly liked the sense of Portland it held, even though little is location specific.”—Brad, Paulina Springs Books, with locations in Sisters and Redmond, OR. Buy Glaciers from Paulina Springs Books.
Face Out
Glaciers by Alexis M. Smith
February 25, 2012