“From the first pages, the reader knows that something monumental and devastating happens to the Olson family, but what exactly that is remains unknown until almost the end of the book. Slowly, with small hints scattered in various chapters, the façade of the Olson family unravels. The reader is presented with details that have been overlooked, topics that have been unspoken, and attitudes that have gone unexplored. The twists and turns at the end are masterfully executed. I found my jaw dropping as each of the final chapters began with another revelation that was unanticipated but definitely plausible. I’m still not sure what I think of the ending, but the journey there was definitely compelling.”—Roberta, a customer at Village Books, Bellingham. Buy Strangers at the Feast from Village Books.
Face Out
Strangers at the Feast by Jennifer Vanderbes
February 3, 2012
This book sounds fascinating. Has anyone else read it? I may have to fit it in with my other reads this February.