“We’re so excited about Portland’s fledgling Propeller Press! Their first book, a collection of short stories by Mary Rechner, was published last year to much acclaim, and now they’ve published a first (for the author as well as the press) novel. Writer Evan P. Schneider’s new book is A Simple Machine, Like the Lever and is a perfect Portland story. This is the tale of 31-year-old Nicholas Allander, a carless Portlander who is drifting but trying to get his life on track. He wants to pay off his debt, impress his girlfriend, keep his job, cast off his insecurities, and accept his imperfections. He considers his many life options (growing a beard, becoming an alcoholic, abandoning his scrounging habit, and owning a car) and through it all, it is his bicycle, a simple machine whose purpose and workings he grasps, that carries him through. Funny, clever, engaging, and full of human insight. Hop on your bike and get in here!”—Broadway Books, Portland. Buy A Simple Machine, Like the Lever from Broadway Books and go see Schneider read there Tuesday, January 17 at 7 pm.
Face Out
A Simple Machine, Like the Lever by Evan P. Schneider
January 11, 2012