“A rollicking modern-day version of the classic tragedy Oedipus Rex, this wickedly funny story will leave you in stitches. It has the cynicism of Tom Wolfe mixed with the absurdity of Carl Hiassen. The novel begins with a slow and dangerous seduction, then picks up speed as each new character is introduced, fearlessly taking on contemporary societal themes as it builds to a thrill-ride climax. The story features a cadre of rather despicable but entertaining characters who are caricatures of the 1980’s Me Generation. The writing is superb and the story is fantastic. I recommend it to everyone! Don’t miss David Guterson’s Bainbridge launch for Ed King on October 18th!”—Jane, Eagle Harbor Book Company, Bainbridge Island, WA. Buy Ed King from Eagle Harbor Book Company.
Face Out
Ed King by David Guterson
October 14, 2011