“If you are anything like me, you might wish you knew some of the people in this book. Yes, they are a figment of Justin Taylor’s imagination, but there is an element here that reminds me of NPR’s “This American Life.” I can see how these characters’ experiences, although much more exciting, reckless and cavalier than any I have had, are related to my own. I may not have seen the world end as I tried to beat Tetris, but I have considered, as a character did, that perhaps it was not a game you were ever meant to beat. I had never considered Tetris as a metaphor for life, but as soon as I read the words it felt familiar. Out of all of the fantastic things that happen in this book, the most wonderful is that it causes you to discover things about yourself.” —Chad, Auntie’s Bookstore, Spokane. Buy Everything Here Is the Best Thing Ever from Auntie’s.
Face Out
Everything Here Is the Best Thing Ever: Stories by Justin Taylor
September 30, 2011