“The New England witch hunts endure as a fascinating piece of history, and before I graduated to The Crucible, The Witch of Blackbird Pond whet my appetite for fiction about the era. Set in the late 1800s, this coming-of-age story follows the orphan Kit from her home in Barbados to a Puritan community in Connecticut. The death of her beloved father and a distasteful suitor have forced her to go to America, and Kit is grudgingly taken into her aunt’s family as something of a Cinderella. Although her aunt and one of the sisters are kind to Kit, her fiery uncle and other competitive cousin make her life particularly difficult. Kit’s loneliness prompts her into a friendship with an older widow, Hannah Tupper, who the community believes to be a witch.” —Miriam Landis, Island Books, Mercer Island, WA. Read the full review—that means you, Little Women and Little House fans—on the store's journal, Message in a Bottle, and buy The Witch of Blackbird Pond from Island Books.
Face Out
The Witch of Blackbird Pond </br>by Elizabeth George Speare
February 8, 2013
Posted in Face Out | Tagged Elizabeth George Speare, Island Books, Little House on the Prairie, Little Women, Message in a Bottle, Miriam Landis, New England witch hunts, The Witch of Blackbird Pond