7 responses to “I’m Okay, Everyone’s Okay”

  1. Susan

    Portlandia – here is a script already written. Loved this, Jeffrey.

  2. Deon Stonehouse

    Treating customers like friends, not opponents is always a good plan. I enjoy coffee in the store just as much as they do! We are dog friendly too. Our best sales force are the dogs that will not let their humans pass the store without coming inside. They (the dogs) know they get a treat at the counter. Once they have their treat, they are happy to sit around while their human browses. I have been informed that this makes for a challenge in the dog walking route if the human should be so injudicious as to walk the dog through the village before or after store hours. The dog (our sales force) is prepared to sit and wait for the store to open before moving on.

  3. Brad Craft

    In a used bookstore where I used to work, I had a fellow come to the counter and, “I’m sorry, I dropped a waffle in the fiction aisle.” Sure enough, on sticky toaster waffle with syrup face-down on the floor, syrup splatter on the bottom shelf. By the time I’d cleaned it all up, the guy was gone. Deeply strange.

  4. Jeffrey Shaffer

    Deon–we also have customers who bring in dogs. It makes me think about earlier times. I have read stories about cowboys in the old west who rode their horses into saloons. I would not want anyone riding their transport animal into Annie Bloom’s, no matter how well behaved the steed may be.

  5. heather andrews

    Good to know since just yesterday morning, I shoved the rest of a piece of toast from Fat City Cafe into my mouth before going inside Annie Bloom’s! Thanks for giving me your URL, I’ve linked to it on a post on my blog!

  6. Jessica

    I used to work in a bookstore and I would get so annoyed at the people who brought dogs in. It’s really inconsiderate to the other customers – who knows if someone is allergic or phobic. Also, I don’t know if that dog is as properly trained or well-behaved as the owner claims and it’s not sanitary to have animals near places where food is served.

  7. Jeffrey Shaffer

    Heather–interesting that you mentioned toast. I was just thinking the other day about little features we could add to entice more walk-in traffic and for some reason “free toast with every purchase” popped into my head. The toaster would be right next to the cash register. Another idea for a great TV comedy segment.

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